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"Get Your Photography On The Web" by Rafael 'RC' Concepcion [first impressions]

Disclosure: this is not a full review, I still haven't finished reading the book. These are just my initial thoughts after skimming over the book and reading a couple of chapters.

So with that out of the way. let's get into the book itself. I bought it because I wanted some advice on how to engage more people with my photography, and to possibly grow my hobby to be self sustaining.

It turns out that the book begins with a low level how-to create a website using GoDaddy for hosting, and Wordpress as a blog and site template. Thankfully it also has a few advices that are not specific to these tools and apply to almost any photo website and interspersed with some short but very juicy interviews with photographers and designers that are relevant to the whole theme of photography on the web.

To summarise I would say this is a very helpful book if you're a complete novice to the whole web-site building thing, and will be not as relevant if you have some knowledge or, as is my case, have done this before in the past with other tools. Some of the information and graphics are also a bit dated, but that's the issue with printed word about the web, it can never keep up. 

I will update this, to a full review, once I finish reading and digesting it. You can find out more about it on RC's Website.

Just heard that a new version is on the works, hope it addresses some of the weaker points with this edition.