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"Get Your Photography On The Web" by Rafael 'RC' Concepcion [full review]

This is the full review after the first impressions published before. 

I originally bought this book because I wanted some advice on how to engage more people with my photography, and to possibly grow my hobby to be self sustaining.
After reading the whole thing I was left with the same feeling I had before, that the passage of time has not been kind to some of material on offer. Saying that, I still think that I got a few very useful tips and a god advice that made the purchase worthwhile.

It is a very low level how-to create a photo website using GoDaddy for hosting, and Wordpress as a blog and site template. That theme is carried out throughout the book, as all examples are made using Wordpress. Thankfully it also has a few advices that are not specific to these tools and apply to almost any photo website and interspersed with some short but very juicy interviews with photographers and designers that are relevant to the whole theme of photography on the web.
The latter part of the book RC describes how to sell your prints straight out of your site, and also how to generate some revenue using your site besides selling prints, which I found to be one of the most interesting parts of the book.

Still maintain what I suggested on the first impressions, that this is a great book for the complete beginner that wants to build a website or for those who are just not that comfortable with technology. For the more tech savvy there is a more limited appeal, but I would still recommend it. But, with new companies offering the same sort of services and more focus on design and ease of use, I think RC needs to come up with a new version of the book, for me to give a full recommendation. As it stands, there is value in the book, and I enjoyed reading it very much, but it looks a bit dated. I heard on a recent episode of The Grid that a new revised edition is in the works, so I would probably wait for that to come out and get it. You can find out more about it on RC's Website.